Thursday, November 4, 2010


Round 1 (Stunts)
Both teams competed in three stunts/games: one for the boys, one for the girls and one for all players. Stunts resembled those on another children's game show, Double Dare. Several games, such as "Pinhead" and "Dump-O", were races to answer a certain number of questions first, with the losing player being covered with disgusting materials (slime, garbage, etc.) by an unusual contraption. The team who won each stunt earned 25 points. If the stunt ended in a tie, both teams received the points. After each stunt, the teams returned to their podiums to answer a toss-up question that was related to the stunt for an additional 25 points.

[edit] Round 2 (Fun House Grand Prix)
Team players raced two laps around the studio; one pushing the "Grand Prix car" and the other riding/steering. While racing, teams collected white and blue tokens (worth 10 and 25 points, respectively) from various points along the track. They could collect as many tokens as they wanted, but only tokens that remained with them at the end of the race counted (dropped tokens were taken out of play). After one lap, the contestants switched places in the car (the pushing contestant now steered and vice versa) and the teams switched lanes on the track. Small challenges were usually set up around the track that each team had to complete, such as gathering each of several food items or hitting targets with a seltzer bottle.

Starting later in the syndicated version, a token bank was placed near the track on the second lap, at which teams could make a pit stop to grab as many tokens as they could. The first team to cross the finish line earned an additional 25 points. At the end of the race, the teams returned to their podiums and the host counted up the tokens, starting with the trailing team. The team with the most points after all the tokens were counted up won the game and advanced to the Fun House. If the game ended in a tie, one last tie-breaker question was played. A correct answer sent the team to the Fun House, but an incorrect answer gave the opposing team a chance to win the game with a correct answer.

[edit] Round 3 (The Fun House)
Contestants on the winning team took turns entering the Fun House and tried to grab a series of red and green tags (three tags per player per turn) in each room in the Fun House. The green tags represented cash, and the 6 red tags were prize tags. One randomly selected tag also included the "Power Prize", which if found awarded the team with a big trip. This continued for two minutes, after which the cash and prizes were added up, and the team was told if they had won the Power Prize. Any cash earned was awarded to each player.

In the FOX version of the show, a "Glop Clock" was also hidden in the house; finding this specially marked alarm clock earned the team an additional 15 seconds (at the end of the main two minutes) to collect tags. In addition, time was started when the contestant hit the water after the water slide was added.

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